Is it possible to navigate to the next route handler if the first handler doesn't satisfy/catch a specific situation?
Is something that you can achieve in Express (nodejs) with the next()
Imagine that you have this router configuration:
routes: {
'*path': 'onPath',
'*notFound': 'onNotFound'
onPath: function(path, next){
if(path == 'something'){
} else {
onNotFound: function(){
I know that I can mix the onPath
and onNotFound
methods, but I just want do know if is possible. Thanks!
First of all, I'm not sure you can have 2 path matchers in a router. How would the Router know which to use? Here is an option. Remove the notFound route and call the method directly :
routes: {
'*path': 'onPath'
onPath: function(path){
if(path == 'something'){
} else {
onNotFound: function(path){
Or an even cleaner approach: you can throw an event (avoid too many App level events if you can. This is just an example)
App.trigger("pathNotFound", path);
Somewhere else in your code (again, perhaps not at the App level), you will need to listen for this event:
App.listenTo("pathNotFound", function(){
This is all roughly written. You will need to adapt it to your application of course.