I am writing a process that has to look for every incoming bit, keep track of wether or not the total amout of ones received is 1 and, when the time comes has to compare the value to a reference value. The process is the following:
parity_tester : process(clk, sub_rst, barrel_data_in, barrel_enable, parity_test, parity_ref)
variable last_known_enable : boolean := false;
variable last_known_data : STD_LOGIC := '0';
variable parity_error_out : STD_LOGIC := '0';
variable parity_ref_reg : STD_LOGIC := '0';
variable even : STD_LOGIC := '1';
if sub_rst then
last_known_enable := false;
last_known_data := '0';
parity_error_out := '0';
even := '1';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if barrel_enable then
last_known_enable := true;
last_known_data := barrel_data_in;
if last_known_enable then
last_known_enable := false;
if last_known_data = '1' then
even := not even;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if parity_test then
case parity_bit_in_type is
when 0 =>
parity_error_out := even xnor parity_ref;
when 1 =>
parity_error_out := even xor parity_ref;
when 2 =>
parity_error_out := parity_ref;
when 3 =>
parity_error_out := not parity_ref;
when others =>
parity_error_out := '1';
end case;
end if;
end if;
parity_error <= parity_error_out;
end process;
Here I run into a problem: all signals as defined in the process sensitivity list are defined, but according to GHDL (the simulator) the value changes to undefined whenever parity_test goes to true:
What am I doing wrong?
I removed what was here because when I changed to my laptop, the error changed: its about the case switch. I still do not get why. parity_bit_in_type is a generic Natural with a range (0 to 3). If I take out the statement I need (0 in this case) and remove the case thingy, everything works as expected. WebPack ISE does not seem to complain about it, so it starts to feel like a bug in GHDL.
GHDL versioning:
/Downloads/ghdl-gcc-git » ghdl --version
GHDL 0.34dev (20151126) [Dunoon edition]
Compiled with GNAT Version: 5.3.0
mcode code generator
Written by Tristan Gingold.
Copyright (C) 2003 - 2015 Tristan Gingold.
GHDL is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License. There is NO
A minimal example which shows the same behaviour
library IEEE;
entity uart_receiv_parity is
generic (
parity_bit_in_type : Natural range 0 to 3
port (
rst : in boolean;
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
parity_error : out STD_LOGIC -- Signals that the parity check has failed, is zero if there was none
end entity;
architecture Behavioral of uart_receiv_parity is
parity_tester : process(clk, rst)
variable parity_error_out : STD_LOGIC := '0';
if rst then
parity_error_out := '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
case parity_bit_in_type is
when 0 =>
parity_error_out := '1';
when 1 =>
parity_error_out := '0';
when 2 =>
parity_error_out := '1';
when 3 =>
parity_error_out := '0';
when others =>
parity_error_out := '1';
end case;
end if;
parity_error <= parity_error_out;
end process;
end Behavioral;
So, it was my fault after all: in the testbench the signal was driven from two sources. Therefore a '1' resulted in the signal being driven by both a '1' and a '0', leading to an 'x'. When the signal was supposed to be '0', the output was actally zero.