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Firebase updatechildren vs setvalue

I'm having a problem with valueEvenListener on Firebase. Consider the situation:

Firebase ref = new Firebase(Constant.BASEURL).child("myLists");

Then I try do update one of the lists value using updateChildren().

HashMap<String, Object> newEditionTimeHM = new HasMap<String, Object>
newEditionTimeHM.put("editionTimeStamp", ServerValue.TIMESTAMP);


It updates but when my listener catches the update, it crashes reporting "failed to bounce to type" error.

On my second try, I create a new shoppinList object with the new values I want and push it using setValue().

newEditionTimeHM.put("editionTimeStamp", ServerValue.TIMESTAMP);
ShoppingList shoppingList = new ShoppingList("Owner unknown", newEditionTimeHM);


When my listeners catches it, no problem is reported.

What is the difference here? Why do I need to create an entirely new object to satisfy the listener? Isn't it more efficient to use updateChildren()? Searched this page for the answer but did not find it.


  • ServerValue.TIMESTAMP has the type is Map<String, String>, so I guess your data structure in Firebase is related to this if your pushKey is "<your Firebase URL>/myLists":

    "myLists": {
        "editionTimeStamp": {
            "timeStampKey": "timeStampValue"

    So, if you want to get TIMESTAMP value, i suggest your first try must be:

    ref.child("<your Firebase URL>/myLists/editionTimeStamp/timeStampKey");
    ref.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
        public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
            String timeStampValue = (String)snapshot.getValue();
        public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {
            System.out.println("The read failed: " + firebaseError.getMessage());

    If it's not your solution, here is a good explanation about this error: Why do I get "Failed to bounce to type" when I turn JSON from Firebase into Java objects?
    Hope it help :D