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Yii2. What is the best practice to manage new messages?

I have 3 DB tables: Projects, Votes and junction table project_votes. Each project can has many Votes. Is it a good idea to use a status column in the Votes table (with possible values "new" and "old") in order to distinquish incoming messages? In my app if a user opens his own project all new messages should became old. I do this with following code: Get new votes:

public function getNewVotes()
        return $this->hasMany(Vote::className(), ['id' => 'vote_id'])->where(['like', 'status', 'new'])->via('projVotes');

Set all votes to be old:

$model->newVotes = 'old'//  in Controller

public function setNewVotes($var)// in Model
    foreach ($this->newVotes as $value) {
            $value->status = $var;

Or is there better way without foreach loop. For example using update with where clause?


  • I assume users can vote for projects. If so, why not make vote the junction table.

    • project ( id name funds )
    • vote ( id project_id user_id value ) // value being a means of expressing a vote
    • user ( id name )

    Otherwise, why not create a foreign key in vote instead of adding a junction table.

    • project ( id name funds )
    • vote ( id project_id value )

    As for your question, I would add a boolean field 'read' in the vote table which defaults to false.

    To get the unread votes for a project, add this to the Project model.

    public function getUnreadVotes()
        return Vote::find()->where([
            'project_id' => $this->id, 
            'read' => false

    In order to set votes to read after fetching them, you can use updateAll().

    Vote::updateAll(['read' => true], ['project_id' => $this->id]);