I'm new to pymodbus and modbus in general, I've been trying for some time now to add a float directly
to server context without any success, I wondered if you had any lead on how to do it. I already try to use payload by doing something like :
builder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(endian=Endian.Little)
payload = builder.build()
context[slave_id].setValues(register, address, payload)
However I get an error about pymodbus trying to cast the payload to int, my code is mostly the one from the sync server example. Any help would be very nice
builder = BinaryPayloadBuilder(endian=Endian.Little)
payload = builder.to_registers()
context[slave_id].setValues(register, address, payload)
This is the correct way, take note that "register" is the starting registers and all modbus registers are 16 bit wide so a 32 bit float occupies 2 (register and register+1).