Say, I have an equation f(x) = x**2 + 1
, I need to find the value of f(2)
Easiest way is to create a function, accept a parameter and return the value.
But the problem is, f(x)
is created dynamically and so, a function cannot be written beforehand to get the value.
I am using cvxpy
for an optimization value. The equation would look something like below:
x = cvx.Variable()
Si = [(cvx.square(prev[i] + cvx.sqrt(200 - cvx.square(x))) for i in range(3)]
is an array of numbers. There will be a Si[0] Si[1] Si[2]
How do i find the value of Si[0] for x=20
Basically, Is there any way to substitue the said Variable and find the value of equation When using cvxpy ?
Set the value of the variables and then you can obtain the value of the expression, like so:
>>> x.value = 3
>>> Si[0].value
(although it won't work for x = 20
because then you'd be taking the square root of a negative number).