I have the following actor as defined below meant to "login" a user.
object AuthenticationActor {
def props = Props[AuthenticationActor]
case class LoginUser(id: UUID)
class AuthenticationActor @Inject()(cache: CacheApi, userService: UserService) extends Actor{
import AuthenticationActor._
def receive = {
case LoginEmployee(id: UUID) => {
userService.getUserById(id).foreach {
case Some(e) => {
println("Logged user in")
val sessionId = UUID.randomUUID()
cache.set(sessionId.toString, e)
sender() ! Some(e, sessionId)
case None => println("No user was found")
Note: userService.getUserById
returns a Future[Option[User]]
And the following very simplistic API cal to it
class EmployeeController @Inject()(@Named("authentication-actor") authActor: ActorRef)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends Controller {
override implicit val timeout: Timeout = 5.seconds
def login(id: UUID) = Action.async { implicit request =>
(authActor ? LoginUser(id)).mapTo[Option[(User, UUID)]].map {
case Some(authInfo) => Ok("Authenticated").withSession(request.session + ("auth" -> authInfo._2.toString))
case None => Forbidden("Not Authenticated")
Both println
calls will execute, but login
call will always fail saying that the ask has time out. Any suggestions?
When you do such thing (accessing sender within Future
s callback) you need to store sender
in a val
in outter scope when you receive request because it is very likely change before Future
def receive = {
case LoginEmployee(id: UUID) => {
val recipient = sender
userService.getUserById(id).foreach {
case Some(e) => {
recipient ! Some(e, sessionId)
You also never send a result when user wasn't found.
What you actually should do here is pipe the Future
result to the sender
def receive = {
case LoginEmployee(id: UUID) => {
userService.getUserById(id) map { _.map { e =>
val sessionId = UUID.randomUUID()
cache.set(sessionId.toString, e)
(e, sessionId)
} pipeTo sender
or with prints
def receive = {
case LoginEmployee(id: UUID) => {
userService.getUserById(id) map {
case Some(e) =>
println("logged user in")
val sessionId = UUID.randomUUID()
cache.set(sessionId.toString, e)
Some(e, sessionId)
case None =>
println("user not found")
} pipeTo sender