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Application Loader: ERROR ITMS-10001: "Multiple items in this package use the same vendor ID

I'm attempting to upload an IAP through Application Loader. When I attempt to deliver the IAP, I get the following error:

Error given from Application Loader

The only piece of info I can find related to the vendor ID is in the iTunes package (not .pkg) file that's created by Application Loader.

If you CTRL+click on the package, and click "Show Package Contents", it will open the file structure. Inside, you'll find the .pkg file along with metadata.xml and machine-local-data.xml.

One of the first keys in metadata.xml is vendor_id, which is only in there once.

Screenshot of vendor_id key

The only relevant change that I can think of since I uploaded my last IAP was upgrading Xcode and El Capitan.



  • I'm running into this issue as well. Turns out it only affects itmsp packages with multiple in-app purchases.

    Workaround: submit multiple itmsp packages with a single in-app product in each.

    Submitted rdar: