I can find plenty of functions that let you decompress a GZip file, but how do I decompress a GZip string?
I'm trying to parse a HTTP response where the response body is compressed with GZip. However, the entire response is simply stored in a string so part of the string contains binary chars.
I'm attempting to use:
byte responseBodyBytes[] = responseBody.getBytes();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(responseBodyBytes);
GZIPInputStream gzis = new GZIPInputStream(bais);
But that just throws an exception: java.io.IOException: Not in GZIP format
There's no such thing as a GZip string. GZip is binary, strings are text.
If you want to compress a string, you need to convert it into binary first - e.g. with OutputStreamWriter
chained to a compressing OutputStream
(e.g. a GZIPOutputStream
Likewise to read the data, you can use an InputStreamReader
chained to a decompressing InputStream
(e.g. a GZIPInputStream
One way of easily reading from a Reader
is to use CharStreams.toString(Readable)
from Guava, or a similar library.