I am parsing a web-service in kony and it gives me the result in the following format:
<?xml-stylesheet href="/v1/xsl/xml_pretty_printer.xsl" type="text/xsl"?><products canonicalUrl="/v1/products(search="hdmi")?apiKey=przdaw9nuqfefhavq3ud4tfh" currentPage="1" from="1" partial="false" queryTime="0.005" to="10" total="2241" totalPages="225" totalTime="0.087">
I configured the output parameter as giving the root of Xpath as //products and to fetch a particular item from product say name,I used product/name.The response is coming perfectly.
Now I want to fetch root level elements such as currentPage="1" and totalPages="225" for the purpose of pagination and I cannot do that.
But unfortunately,in this way I cannot access the currentPage attribute.
Please help.
Judging from your screenshot you apparently try to do
This is is best described as a shot in the dark in the hopes to hit something. Please take a few moments to learn about the basics of XPath and about the structure of the DOM.
(Alternatively just @currentPage
in the collection pdetails
, which amounts to the same thing.)