I am getting started with Ruby on Rails, and following the steps at InstallRails... I have created the sample_app on the desktop, and now I cannot create the server.
My command
$ rails server
is answered with the following
...There was an error while trying to load the gem 'uglifier'. etc
I have read several threads here and elsewhere, such as this one and this one... In the latter there seems to bea solution, which I can't understand.... I cannot download node.js! or nodejs? What is my command and directory in Gitbash to download it?
It requires JS runtime.
Just install gem therubyracer
for the JS runtime.
In the default rails Gemfile,uncomment the line for the gem 'therubyracer' which is commented out.If you dont find it add the gem to your Gemfile like
gem 'therubyracer'
Then run
bundle install
The gem will be installed and it should work.
Otherwise you can install node.js.
For ubuntu
sudo apt-get install nodejs
For mac
brew install nodejs