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How to read from stdin?

How to do this in Clean?

Pseudo code:

    input = read_stdin
    if input == "q":
        break loop
        print "you input: ", input

Actually, I have had a glance at some pdf. But I got an imagination, It's difficult to deal with stdin and stdout. Could I have a code example to use stdio?

Following Keelan's instructions, I had finished my little program.

module std_in_out_loop
import StdEnv

loop :: *File -> *File
loop io
# io = fwrites "input your name: " io
# ( name, io ) = freadline io
# name = name % ( 0, size name - 2 )
| name == "q"
# io = fwrites "Bye!\n" io
= io
| name == ""
# io = fwrites "What's your name?\n" io
= loop io
| otherwise
# io = fwrites ( "hello " +++ name +++ "\n" ) io
= loop io

Start:: *World -> *World
Start world
# ( io, world ) = stdio world
# io = loop io
# ( ok, world ) = fclose io world
| not ok = abort "Cannot close io.\n"
| otherwise = world


  • From the Clean 2.2 manual, chapter 9:

    Although Clean is purely functional, operations with side-effects (I/O operations, for instance) are permitted. To achieve this without violating the semantics, the classical types are supplied with so called uniqueness attributes. If an argument of a function is indicated as unique, it is guaranteed that at run-time the corresponding actual object is local, i.e. there are no other references to it. Clearly, a destructive update of such a “unique object” can be performed safely.

    Concretely, you can make Start, which normally has arity 0 (takes no arguments), a function from *World to *World. The idea is that we now have a function that changes the world, which means that side effects are allowed (they're not really side effects any more, but operations on the world).

    The * indicates the uniqueness of the World type. This means that you cannot ever have two instances of the world argument. For example, the following will give a compile-time uniqueness error:

    Start :: *World -> *(*World, *World)
    Start w = (w, w)

    To use standard IO, you will need functions from the StdFile module in StdEnv. The functions you're going to need are:

    stdio :: !*World -> *(!*File, !*World)
    fclose :: !*File !*World -> !(!Bool, !*World)

    I simplified the types a bit, actually they're from the class FileSystem. stdio opens a unique File from a world and also returns the new, modified world. fclose closes a file in a world, and returns a success flag and the modified world.

    Then, to read and write from that stdio file, you can use:

    freadline :: !*File -> *(!*String, !*File)
    fwrites :: !String !*File -> !*File

    freadline reads a line into a String, including the newline character. fwrites writes a string to a file, usually you want to include a newline character when writing to stdio.

    Putting it together:

    Start :: *World -> *World
    Start w
    # (io,w) = stdio w                                // open stdio
    # io = fwrites "What is your name?\n" io          // ask for name
    # (name,io) = freadline io                        // read in name
    # name = name % (0, size name - 2)                // remove \n from name
    # io = fwrites ("Hello, " +++ name +++ "!\n") io  // greet user
    # (ok,w) = fclose io w                            // close stdio
    | not ok = abort "Couldn't close stdio"           // abort in case of failure
    = w                                               // return world from Start

    The # syntax might be new to you. It's a kind of let which allows you to use the same name for files (or other things), which is more convenient than using, e.g.:

    Start w = w3
        (io, w1) = stdio w
        io1 = fwrites "What is your name?\n" io
        (name, io2) = freadline io1
        (ok, w3) = fclose io10 w2

    Now you should be able to do what you want in pseudocode using a helper function loop :: *File -> *File, which calls itself recursively until q is inputted.

    There are more functions than only freadline and fwrites, see StdFile.dcl for an idea.