I have implemented the SessionCreateRQ successfully and other service using PHP and I am confused what to do when the security token has been expired. According to documentation provided in the topic Session management overview , the session can be refreshed using the service SessionValidateRQ but I didn't find any documentation while I am searching. I only find the Refresh Session documentation while I am searching.
Does there is any documentation for the service SessionValidateRQ ?. And I am little bit confused how to manage the session for the api?
It seems you already checked the best practices related to performance and sessions.
Normally (and depending on your transactions volume) you would have a process/job that initiates a given amount of sessions at application startup, and refreshes them before they timeout. This is done to ensure users can complete the 'shopping' process on demand.
When it comes to booking, you can use the services PassengerDetails and EnhancedAirBook in sequence (after capturing passenger names, flights selected, etc) an'd use a 'short conversation (meaning you open the session using SessionCreateRQ, then call those two services in sequence, and then close the session using SessionCloseRQ)...