I have installed Visual Studio 2008 and am running it as a non-Administrator user.
I have a Web Application project I am developing and would like to debug it using Visual Studio. I can compile and also debug with "Visual Studio Development Server" without problems. But, when I select "Use Local IIS Web server" in my project properties and try to save the project, Visual Studio gives me the error: "To access local IIS Web sites, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an administrator account."
Now, if I take Microsoft's word, I must run Visual Studio by actually using an administrative account, but Microsoft's ultimatums haven't always proven to be absolute.
From other similar questions, I've added my user to the "Debugger Users" group and given the user the SeDebugPrivilege privilege. But, I cannot "Run as Administrator" since my user is not actually an administrator.
It looks like that for now, the answer is you can't.
I will delete this if a method or solution comes along.