If the app is installed at the first time, need to allow notification, how can I confirm it? Is someone encountered?
you should typically be mocking notifications and other data requests in order to prevent the dialogs from coming up. You could also accept the notification manually and re-run your tests. We experimented with using the private UIAutomation framework for this and saw we could achieve this with it. For example, for pressing the left alert button.
@interface SystemAlert : NSObject
- (void)tapLeftButton;
@interface SystemAlert (ForMethodCompletionOnly)
+ (id)localTarget;
- (id)frontMostApp;
- (id)alert;
- (id)buttons;
@implementation SystemAlert
+ (void)load {
dlopen([@"/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIAutomation.framework/UIAutomation" fileSystemRepresentation], RTLD_LOCAL);
- (void)tapLeftButton {
id localTarget = [NSClassFromString(@"UIATarget") localTarget];
id app = [localTarget frontMostApp];
id alert = [app alert];
id button = [[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:0];
[button tap];