Hi I have class for my Data Access Layer that contains a function called GetCitiesByLocation
and it looks like this
public DataTable GetCitiesByLocation(long pStateID, string pKeyword)
//create database object
Database db = DBHelper.CreateDatabase();
//create SELECT sql statement to be executed using string builder
//add WHERE 1 = 1 at the end
//add where [optional] statements
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pKeyword) == false)
//Create AND statement for ?Keyword
//add group by order by queries
sql.Append(" GROUP BY c.city_id ");
sql.Append(" ORDER BY city_name ");
//Convert SQL String To DbCommand Object
DbCommand comm = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql.ToString());
//Map Variables to mysql ?Parameters
db.AddInParameter(comm, "?StateID", DbType.Int64, pStateID);
db.AddInParameter(comm, "?Keyword", DbType.String, pKeyword);
//execute sql statement and return results
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
See full version here: http://friendpaste.com/6ZGJHRNxQ9J57ntFD5XZi1
I would like to convert this to MYSQL Stored Procedure
Here is a failed attempt of my friend to convert it to MSSQL Stored Proc
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Search]
@Keyword varchar(30)
SELECT count(cc.course_id) as 'course_count', c.*, con.* FROM city c
LEFT JOIN countries con on con.country_id = c.country_id
LEFT JOIN courses cc on cc.city_id = c.city_id
WHERE 1 = 1
AND CASE @Keyword WHEN (@Keyword <> NULL) THEN (AND c.state_name like @Keyword) END
AND CASE @Keyword WHEN (pStateID > 0) THEN (AND c.state_id = @StateID AND c.country_id = 69 AND c.province_id = 0) END
AND CASE @Keyword WHEN (pProvinceID > 0) THEN (AND c.province_id = @ProvinceID AND c.country_id = 52 AND c.state_id = 0) END
I have also transactional DAL which i want to convert to mysql stored proc
I'm not an expert on MySQL but it would seem that you're trying to execute a Stored Procedure the same way you would execute a Parameterized Query and that doesn't work.
I also would be very surprised if your MSSQL Proc compiled as I would expect that your proc would start with
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Search]
@Keyword varchar(30),
@StateID int = null,
@ProvinceID int = null
Or in MySQL
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Search(Keyword varhar(30),
StateID int,
ProviceId int)
You would most like have to change your DAL in the following ways