I have a Send to Friend button on facebook that goes to: http://www.facebook.com/dialog/send?app_id=...&...
After implementation I found out that it can't be used until I submit it for approval. So I went to my app admin page on Facebook and clicked on App Review. Then added submission for "Optimized Sharing for Messenger" - nothing else seemed to fit this case. I uploaded a recording while using the integration on my site, and added a description of how it will be used. Now it tells me:
I don't have a mobile app - it's just a desktop website integration, and don't know what a test user means in this context. I filled everything I could, but the "Submit for Review" button is still disabled.
Approval is not necessary to use the send button. You do need a Facebook application created and set to public/live in the App Review portion of the settings, but review is not required to do this. That's only required for one of the extended permissions.