Imagine I am standing (i.e., the cursor is located) somewhere mid-line in a given line of my Spyder editor.
Working always only with interesting integers, I could be at this line, say:
an_interesting_integer = 4
the cursor is right before "=" and thus right after "an_interesting_integer ", say.
Then I press "tab".
What I want is just the equal sign to be tabbed, but what happens in my Spyder editor is that the whole line is tabbed.
So instead of:
an_interesting_integer = 4
I get:
an_interesting_integer = 4
How can I turn off this "whole-line-tabbing" thing.
Thank you
Spyder v. 4.0 or higher:
Tools >>> Preferences >>> Editor >>> Source code >>> Uncheck "Tab always indent".
Other versions:
Tools >>> Preferences >>> Editor >>> Advanced settings >>> Uncheck "Tab always indent".