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Allocated Memory (RAM) in Android Studio. Is it normal?

I have created an Android application that contains 6 imageviews, and some texts.. the size of the APK file is about (2 Megabyte). When I run the application of a real Android Device (HTC One M8-eye) it takes about (66 MegaByte) RAM of the device (Allocated Memory).

I also used (leakcanary), and the result is (there is no leak) in this app.

Is it normal? is there any suggestions to reduce this size??

Any answer is appreciated.. Thanks


  • This problem can be solved by creating different drawable folders (LDPI, MDPI, HDPI, XHDPI, XXHDPI, XXXHDPI).

    I also used the (android drawable importer plugin) to import photos and generate different sizes and put them to different drawable folders.

    Following are some important information:

    LDPI: Portrait: 200 X 320px. Landscape: 320 X 200px.
    MDPI: Portrait: 320 X 480px. Landscape: 480 X 320px.
    HDPI: Portrait: 480 X 800px. Landscape: 800 X 480px.
    XHDPI: Portrait: 720 X 1280px. Landscape: 1280 X 720px.
    XXHDPI: Portrait: 960 X 1600px. Landscape: 1600 X 960px.
    XXXHDPI: Portrait: 1280 X 1920px. Landscape: 1920 X 1280px.

    The Result:: Used ammount of RAM is reduced from 60 Mega to about 13 Mega.