i'm trying to make a simple basic program with pygame. one of the things im trying to make it do is create a randomly sized rectangle somewhere random on the screen in 6 seconds. i'm very new to all of this, and I am also pretty new to python 2.7(I was learning 3.5 in class)
so far I have:
mob2_spawn = 0
def create_mob():
mob2 = pygame.Rect(random.randint(0,800), random.randint(0,600), random.randint(20,60), random.randint(30,50))
pygame.draw.rect(window_surface, mob_color, mob2)
mob2_spawn = 1
if mob_spawn == 0:
mob2_spawn = 1
how do I attach an event ID to something? I understand that the first variable in pygame.time.set_timer is the event id, and should be an integer between 25 and 32. and essentially the timer should run that function associated with that event id every X milliseconds correct
You need to check for an event, for example a button press. First you need to make pygame check for any button presses:
keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed()
Then you need to put this in your code, so that you have an event in your timer:
pygame.time.set_timer(keystate[pygame.K_SPACE], (25, 6000))
That's at least what I think should happen, by the way i'm using the example with the space button. I hope it works for you!