My string $podcast->title returns something like this :
Artist Name - The Title
I'm using the following 2 lines of code :
$this_dj = substr($podcast->title, 0, strpos($podcast->title, "-"));
$this_dj = substr($this_dj, 0, -1);
The first line strips everything after (and including the "-") which leaves me with :
Artist Name
The second line removes the whitespace at the end.
My question is, can I combine these two lines into one line?
I've tried :
$this_dj = substr($podcast->title, 0, strpos($podcast->title, "-"), -1);
But that didn't work.
It would also work with your example, just move the substring end point:
$this_dj = substr($podcast->title, 0, strpos($podcast->title, "-") - 1);