I'm working with mvc4 and knockout trying to understand all the cool stuff you can to with it.
the thing is, i have this code which loads info and sends it to the view.
public ActionResult AdministraContenidoAlumno()
Alumno NuevoAlumno = new Alumno();
NuevoAlumno.AlumnoId = 1;
NuevoAlumno.NombreCompleto = "Luis Antonio Vega Herrera";
NuevoAlumno.PlanEstudioActual = new PlanEstudio
PlanEstudioId = 1,
NombrePlan = "Ingenieria en sistemas",
ListaMateriasPlan = new List<Materias> {
new Materias{MateriaId=1,NombreMateria="ingenieria 1"},new Materias{MateriaId=2,NombreMateria="Ingenieria 2"}
return View(NuevoAlumno);
Basically, create a new object alumno, who contains a PlanEstudio, who contains a list of Materias, then send it to the view.
In the view i have this.
@model MvcRCPG.Models.Alumno
ViewBag.Title = "AdministraContenidoAlumno";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
var data;
$(function () {
var jsonModel = '@Html.Raw(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this.Model))';
var mvcModel = ko.mapping.fromJSON(jsonModel);
data = mvcModel;
function Guardar() {
url: "/DemoKnockuot/GuardarAlumno",
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify({ 'NuevoAlumno': ko.toJS(data) }),
dataType: "json",
traditional: true,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
if (data == "Success") {
} else {
error: function () {
alert("An error has occured!!!");
With the mentioned above functions i can read and send data to the server and do stuff on the controller, however i need to add remove or manipulate the information in the view.
So the question is: how do i add a function to 'mvcModel' in order to push a new "materia" in the ListaMateriasPlan object?
Thank you, and if you have more tips in order to understand it better i appreciate your help.
The mvcModel
created by the mapping plugin will have observable properties.
For example, to add a new "materia" do something like:
function Materias() {
this.MateriaId = ko.observable();
this.NombreMateria = ko.observable();
var newItem = new Materias();
newItem.NombreMateria("Ingenieria 3");
And normally, you would wrap the "adding" logic as a method in a view model.