Here is my markup with rich snippets
<div vocab="" typeof="GovernmentOrganization">
<span property="logo"><img src="" class="logo"/></span>
<span class="h2" property="name">Department Of Stuff And Things</span><br />
<span class="h4" property="department">State Agency</span><br />
<a href="" class="h4 text-primary" property="url"></a>
<strong>Locations:</strong><br /><br />
<div property="location" typeof="GovernmentOffice">
<p property="location" typeof="PostalAddress">
Main Office<br />
<span property="streetAddress">555 Something Street Apt 2</span><br />
<span property="addressLocality">Jacksonville</span>
<span property="addressRegion">FL</span>
<span property="postalCode">11111</span><br />
<span property="addressCountry">US</span>
<strong>Services:</strong><br /><br />
<div property="hasOfferCatalog" typeof="OfferCatalog">
<div property="itemListElement" typeof="GovernmentService">
<strong><span property="name">Service 1</span></strong><br />
<span property="category">Web Based</span><br />
<span property="description">Get Some stuff and things</span><br />
<a href="" property="url"></a><br />
<div property="itemListElement" typeof="GovernmentService">
<strong><span property="name">Apply For Benefits</span></strong><br />
<span property="category">Phone Based</span><br />
<span property="description">This service helps you apply for the benefits you deserve</span><br />
<a href="" property="url"></a><br />
The structured data testing tool seems to organize and validate everything appropriately, Including my small collection of services (OfferCatalog). When doing a request to the Custom Search API and tacking on the :more:pagemap:GovernmentOrganization things seem to be OK and I get results I expect. But the JSON object for pagemap only includes the first level of my organization:
"pagemap": {
"GovernmentOrganization": [
"name": "Department Of Stuff And Things",
"department": "State Agency",
"url": ""
Any ideas on why my related objects (GovernmentOffice / locations / OfferCatalog / GovernmentServices) are not being including? Is there a better way to organize and structure this for Google?
As per the Google:
I believe you are seeing only one value of a attribute in JSON API.
I would like to update you that as per the design in JSON API we show only one attribute value, while in XML we show all values.
We already have a feature request #16696973 to display all the attribute values in JSON API. Currently I don't have an ETA when it will be implemented.
As a workaround you have to use XML API.