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How to scale and add correct a logo in ffmpeg command?

I am trying to apply a watermark and also to scale it to the current video size via ffmpeg command:

Here is my inital comand that works without watermark

ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'udp://@some.ip:1234?fifo_size=1000000&overrun_nonfatal=1&buffer_size=1000000' -vf scale=iw:ih -profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k -deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k -preset veryfast -vb 2000k -f flv rtmp:// 

Now I tried to add the picture as a watermark. There was a conflict while using with -vf scale=-1:ih*.5, in order to eliminate the problem I used -s 1280x720 to specify the resolution for the video stream, it worked but not properly.

ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'udp://@some.ip:1234?fifo_size=1000000&overrun_nonfatal=1&buffer_size=1000000' -i logo.png -filter_complex "overlay=10:10" -s 1280x720 -profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k -deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k -preset veryfast -vb 2000k -f flv rtmp://some.ip/app/720 

The problem:

How can I specify in the ffmpeg command the both sizes of video and logo(watermark) so they don't conflict with each other and they auto adjust like -vf scale=-1:ih*.5 dose.

Thank you!


  • The scale2ref filter allows one to a video/image stream with reference to the dimensions of another video or image stream


    ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'udp://@some.ip:1234?fifo_size=1000000&overrun_nonfatal=1&buffer_size=1000000' \
    -loop 1 -i logo.png \
    -filter_complex "[1:v][0:v]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v]" \
    -map "[v]" -map 0:a \
    -profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
    -deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k \
    -preset veryfast -vb 2000k \
    -f flv rtmp://some.ip/app/720

    Here 1:v - the logo image - is being scaled to 1/8th the width of [0:v], the H.264 stream.

    For the command given in the comments:

    ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'input' \
    -loop 1 -i logo.png \
    -filter_complex "[0:v]scale=iw:ih[v0]; \
                    [1:v][v0]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v]" \
    -map "[v]" -map 0:a \
    -profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
    -deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k \
    -preset veryfast -vb 2000k \
    -f flv out1 \
    -filter_complex "[0:v]scale=-1:ih/2[v0]; \
                    [1:v][v0]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v2]" \
    -map "[v2]" -map 0:a \
    -profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
    -deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 2000k \
    -preset veryfast -vb 1000k \
    -f flv out2 \
    -filter_complex "[0:v]scale=-1:ih/4[v0]; \
                    [1:v][v0]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v3]" \
    -map "[v3]" -map 0:a \
    -profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
    -deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 1000k \
    -preset veryfast -vb 512k \
    -f flv out3 \