I'm creating a library of components in Modelica, and would appreciate some input on techniques for unit testing the package.
So far I have a test package, consisting of a set of models, one per component. Each test model instantiates a component, and connects it to some very simple helper classes that provide the necessary inputs and outputs.
This works fine when using it interactively in the OMEditor, but I'm looking for a more automated solution with pass/fail criteria etc.
Should I start writing .mos scripts, or is there another/better way ?
I like how Openmodelica testing results look, see
No idea how they are doing it, though. Obviously some kind of regression testing is done, with previous results stored, but no idea if that is from some testing library or self-made.
In general, I find it kinda sad/suboptimal, that there isn't "the one" testing solution everybody can/should use (cf. e.g. nose or pytest in the python ecosystem), instead everybody seems to cook up their own solutions (or tries to), and all you find is some Modelica conference papers (often without a trace of implementation) or unmaintained library of unknown status.
Off the top of my head, I found/know of (some already linked in other answers here)
This seems like a pathological instance of https://xkcd.com/927/. It's kinda impossible for a (non-dev) user to know which of those to choose, which are actually good/usable/available/...
(Not real testing, but also relevant: parsing and semantic analysis using ANTLR: modelica.org/events/Conference2003/papers/h31_parser_Tiller.pdf)