I have two date/times that come from a db, however these are split into four (two dates and two times) on the view, both the date and time are custom elements. See below.
My issue is my start date/time cannot be greater than my end date/time. I know how to do this in c#:
return from < to
)But I don't know how to do this in Aurelia without doing a API call. I have noted isLessThan
, however I would need to parse my strings into a datetime before I can do that.
return this.dataContext.getContent(this.id)
.then(baseContent => {
this.baseContent = baseContent;
this.validator = this.validation.on(this)
.ensure('baseContent.ValidFromDate / baseContent.ValidFromTime').isLessThan('baseContent.ValidToDate / baseContent.ValidToTime')
}); }
I know the above doesn't work, I am new to Aurelia and still finding my feet with it.
I've tried the following but received a:
Unhandled promise rejection TypeError: path.split is not a function
I think the issue is it doesn't know what to assign the error message to but I could be wrong.
.ensure(this.datetimeformat.format(baseContent.ValidFromDate, baseContent.ValidFromTime)).isLessThan(this.datetimeformat.format(baseContent.ValidToDate, baseContent.ValidFromTime));
import moment from 'moment';
export class DateTimeFormat {
format(date, time) {
if (date.indexOf("T") > -1) {
date = date.split('T')[0];
return moment(date + 'T' + time, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss');
I noticed one of the answers used a computedFrom however as I need to first change these into DateTime, and parse back I don't know what I am meant to provide where.
.ensure('baseContent.ValidFromDate', (config) => { config.computedFrom(['baseContent.ValidFromDate', 'baseContent.ValidFromTime', 'baseContent.ValidToDate', 'baseContent.ValidToTime']) }).isNotEmpty().passes(() => {
return this.datetimeformat.format(this.baseContent.ValidFromDate, this.baseContent.ValidFromTime) < this.datetimeformat.format(this.baseContent.ValidToDate, this.baseContent.ValidToTime);
I think I am getting closer, but still not working :-(
I have also tried
.ensure('baseContent.ValidFromDate', (config) => { config.computedFrom(['baseContent.ValidFromDate', 'baseContent.ValidFromTime', 'baseContent.ValidToDate', 'baseContent.ValidToTime']) }).if(() => {
return this.baseContent.ValidFromDate !== null && this.baseContent.ValidFromTime !== null && this.baseContent.ValidToDate !== null && this.baseContent.ValidToTime !== null})
.passes( () => {return this.datetimeformat.format(this.baseContent.ValidFromDate, this.baseContent.ValidFromTime) < this.datetimeformat.format(this.baseContent.ValidToDate, this.baseContent.ValidToTime)})
No errors with developer tools.
function validateFromDateTimeIsBeforeToDateTime(dateFrom, timeFrom, dateTo, timeTo) {
if (dateFrom !== null && dateFrom !== undefined &&
timeFrom !== null && timeFrom !== undefined &&
dateTo !== null && dateTo !== undefined &&
timeTo !== null && timeTo !== undefined) {
return this.datetimeformat.format(dateFrom, timeFrom) < this.datetimeformat.format(dateTo, timeTo);
else {
return true;
.ensure('baseContent.ValidFromDate').isNotEmpty().passes(validateFromDateTimeIsBeforeToDateTime(this.baseContent.ValidFromDate, this.baseContent.ValidFromTime, this.baseContent.ValidFromDate, this.baseContent.ValidFromTime))
.ensure('baseContent.ValidToDate').isNotEmpty().passes(validateFromDateTimeIsBeforeToDateTime(this.baseContent.ValidFromDate, this.baseContent.ValidFromTime, this.baseContent.ValidFromDate, this.baseContent.ValidFromTime))
This however throws an "Unhandled promise rejection TypeError: Unable to get property 'datetimeformat' of undefined or null reference"
After a-lot of investigation, fixing bugs here and there, I noted the outstanding issue was from my formatting class, it wasn't creating the date/time (using moment.js) correctly (after the user has selected from the calendar), meaning it returned 'invalid date' which you cannot compare on :-|
This will work:
this.validator = this.validation.on(this)
.ensure('baseContent.ValidFromDate', (config) => { config.computedFrom(['baseContent.ValidFromDate', 'baseContent.ValidFromTime', 'baseContent.ValidToDate', 'baseContent.ValidToTime']) })
.if(() => {
return this.baseContent.ValidFromDate !== null && this.baseContent.ValidFromTime !== null && this.baseContent.ValidToDate !== null && this.baseContent.ValidToTime !== null })
.passes( () => { return this.datetimeformat.format(this.baseContent.ValidFromDate, this.baseContent.ValidFromTime) < this.datetimeformat.format(this.baseContent.ValidToDate, this.baseContent.ValidToTime) })
.withMessage('< Valid To')