I have a calculation in c that I should write it in c#
this is my code in c:
const unsigned long *S //which is an array that already contains data )
unsigned long y;
y = y + S[d]; //S[d] = 2582066069 and y = 3372499074 and the results is 1659597847
but in my C# code:
ulong[] S = (ulong[])hashtable[key];
ulong y = 2582066069;
y = y + S[d]; // s[d] = 3372499074 but the result is = 5954565143
I don't undrestand the difference in this add operation in c and c# would you pelase help me too undrestand where I am doing wrong?
In your C
case, the unsigned long
data size is 4 bytes
while in C#
, ulong
data size is 8-bytes
unsigned long 4 bytes 0 to 4,294,967,295 //in C
ulong 8 bytes 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 //in C#
Thus in your C
case, when you add the two values, you will get overflow.
3372499074 + 2582066069 = 5954565143 (overflow) = (4294967296 + 1659597847) mod 4294967296 = 1659597847
But in your C#
case, the ulong
data type is still able to hold the value without overflow.
3372499074 + 2582066069 = 5954565143 (no overflow)
Find out more of the data type value limit in C and in C#. Also check out this post for more understanding on C
data type size (dbush's and delnan's answers are particularly helpful. Since there isn't some standardized size for long
data type in C
, in may sometimes be 4 bytes
and sometimes 8 bytes
- unlike C#
's counterpart, ulong
is always 8 bytes
To have a 8 bytes unsigned integer
data type in C, you could use uint64_t
data type
uint64_t u64;