I'm a bit new to Go, and I've been trying to use the SublimeLinter-contrib-gotype package to lint my files. It works well for the most part, but for some reason it throws an error if I try to import a Go package from GitHub. I've been trying to use the simple example from the Echo framework. When I run the code, it works fine but for some reason the linter is causing issues.
It throws an error saying:
could not import github.com/labstack/echo (can't find import: )
I've already run the go get github.com/labstack/echo
command, but it doesn't seem to have helped.
I've attached a screenshot as well:
And here is a link to the code I was using.
I'd faced the same problem. Try running
launchctl setenv GOPATH $GOPATH
and restarting ST, this won't work after a reboot.
If you use Go Sublime, the following should work better.
Sublime Text menu > Preferences > Package Settings > GoSublime > Settings - Default / User
"shell": ["/usr/bin/bash"],
"env": {"GOPATH": "/Users/username/gopath/"},