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Excel DNA - Marshal C# string to VBA ByRef in callback

I am attempting to invoke a VBA callback in Excel from C# code using Excel-DNA. After messing around with the particular data types and marshalling declarations, I was able to finally create a working sample:

C# Code

public partial class CSharpComObject
    Dictionary<string, Callback> _callbackMap = new Dictionary<string, Callback>();

    public void SubscribeStringData(string topic, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] Callback callback)
        _callbackMap[topic] = callback;

    public void RaiseCallback(string topic, string data)

    public delegate void Callback([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string data);

VBA Module

Option Explicit

Dim testObj As Object

Sub Subscribe()

Set testObj = CreateObject("CSharpComObject")

testObj.SubscribeStringData "someTopic", AddressOf StringDataCallback

End Sub

Sub StringDataCallback(ByVal data As String)

MsgBox "StringDataCallback Raised [" + data + "]"

End Sub


As you can see from the code sample above, the default COM marshalling for strings is BStr a.k.a. ByVal ... As String.

I was wondering if there is a way to pass string data (or any object type for that matter) to the VBA callback ByRef, and if so, what would the C# declarations and marshalling attributes need to be?


  • Specifying the parameter as ref string should work.

    See for more information about the string marshaling options.