Is this the only way to generate a response that has nested keys?
module Api
module V20150315
class ProductConfigurationSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
delegate :cache_key, to: :object
embed :ids, include: true
attributes :id, :short_code, :rank
has_many :delivery_product_configurations,
serializer: Api::V20150315::DeliveryProductConfigurationSerializer
The has_many
is a serializer which itself calls another serializer. Is the best way to do this right?
Are there alternative ways to do this? Is this the most semantic way?
This is the correct way as indicated in the documentation.
You do not need to specify the serializer for the delivery_product_configurations
if it already has a serializer defined. You can refactor thus:
attributes :id, :short_code, :rank
has_many :delivery_product_configurations