I have a svg path where I apply both a background colour as well as a filter containing a (possible scaled and translated) image.
First the background colour is applied using the css fill property: myPath.css('fill', bgColour);
Afterwards the filter is added like this:
var filter = svg.filter(defs, 'myImageFilter',
0, 0, scale + '%', scale + '%',
filterUnits: 'objectBoundingBox'
// add the image
var outputSlot = 'myImage' + sectionNumber;
svg.filters.image(filter, outputSlot, pathToImageFile);
// move it
svg.filters.offset(filter, 'movedImage', outputSlot, moveX, moveY);
// combine image with path for clipping
svg.filters.composite(filter, 'clip', 'in', 'movedImage', 'SourceGraphic');
// mix both images
svg.filters.blend(filter, '', 'multiply', 'SourceGraphic', 'clip');
// assign filter to the path
myPath.attr('filter', 'url(#myImageFilter)');
The problem I have with that is the background colour affects the image, too (as if it was painted above the image). What I need is that the image is placed on top of the background instead.
Any idea about how to achieve this?
Do I maybe need to duplicate the whole path to have it one time for the background colour only and one time for the image?
It's probably the "multiply" in your svg.filters.blend. Just use "normal" instead of "multiply".