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Writing image into file- Wrong output

I am trying to put an image into a file that has been retrieved from a server. I am using the fwrite function, but it doesn't really work the way I want it to. It looks like the biggest problem is that it can't write the \ character. Or maybe not. I don't know what to do with it. Does anyone know what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

Here is my fwrite code:

FILE * pFile;
if((pFile = fopen ("test", "wb")) == NULL) error(1);
fwrite (buffer.c_str() , 1, buffer.size(), pFile);

where buffer contains data retrieved from server. When it contains pure html, it works just fine.

Here is my output:


Here is what it was supposed to write:



  • fwrite() won't automatically do the conversion you want. You should implement some code to convert what you want to convert to "\ character".


    #include <cstdio>
    #include <string>
    void error(int no) {
        printf("error: %d\n", no);
    int main(void) {
        char data[] = "GIF89a\xA5\xC8"; // '\0' is automatially added after string literal
        std::string buffer(data, sizeof(data) / sizeof(*data));
        FILE * pFile;
        // use text mode because it seems you want to print text
        if((pFile = fopen ("test", "w")) == NULL) error(1);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.size(); i++) {
            if (0x20 <= buffer[i] && buffer[i] <= 0x7E && buffer[i] != '\\') {
                // the data is printable ASCII character except for \
                putc(buffer[i], pFile);
            } else {
                // print "\ character"
                fprintf(pFile, "\\%02X", (unsigned char)buffer[i]);
        return 0;