I'm putting #Requires -Version
at the top of my script, but need to figure out what version I require. I was hoping to query what version of PowerShell introduced each of the cmdlets I call. But I don't see that in the Get-Help -verbose
output for one of the cmdlets. I didn't find a canonical web page listing for it.
Anyone know if there's a standard way to look up what version of PowerShell introduced a particular cmdlet? Or, is there a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
So, as far as I am aware the "standard" way to look this up is to read MSDN. :-) You can get to the relevant page pretty easily using the -Online
switch for Get-Help
, for example:
Get-Help -Name "Get-DscConfiguration" -Online
Another approach might be to fire up powershell.exe using the -Version
switch to set a specific version, e.g. powershell.exe -Version 2 then use the Get-Command
cmdlet to see if your cmdlets are listed or not.
I have enjoyed myself! Here is some code that seems to work OK parsing a script and then working out if the commands are valid cmdlets in different PS versions. At this point, it doesn't seem that "1.0" or "5.0" are supported by the -PSVersion
switch on Start-Job
$file = 'C:\scripts\PowerShell\Toolkit\Get-PSVersionCompatibility.ps1'
New-Variable tokens
New-Variable parseerrors
$p = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($file,[ref]$tokens,[ref]$parseerrors)
$Commands = $tokens | ?{$_.TokenFlags -contains "CommandName"} | Sort -Unique | Select Value
$ScriptBlock = {
$Output = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{PSVersion = $PSVersion}
foreach($Command in $Commands) {
if(Get-Command | ?{$_.Name -eq $Command.Value}) {
$Available = $true
} else {
$Available = $false
$Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $($Command.Value) -Value $Available
return $Output
$Results = @()
foreach($PSVersion in 2..4) {
$job = Start-Job -PSVersion "$PSVersion.0" -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $PSVersion,$Commands
Wait-Job $job | Out-Null
$Results += (Receive-Job $job | Select PSVersion,*-*)
Remove-Job $job
$Results | FT -AutoSize
Remove-Variable tokens
Remove-Variable parseerrors