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Why do I get the error "Thrift::TException=HASH(0x122b9e0)" when I try to execute a statement with Thrift::API::HiveClient?

I am trying to connect to Apache Hive from a Perl script but I'm getting the following error:


I am running with Hadoop version 2.7.0, Hive version 1.1.0, and Thrift::API::HiveClient version 0.003. Here is the script I am using:


use English;
use Thrift::API::HiveClient;


sub connecttoHive {
    my $client = Thrift::API::HiveClient->new( host => 'localhost', port => 10000 );

    $client->connect() or die "Failed to connect";

    $client -> execute('select count(1) from Koushik.emp2');
    my $result = $client -> fetchAll();

Could this be caused by a version issue or is it something else?

I also tried running the following script, which comes with the Thrift-API-HiveClient-0.003 distribution:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib 'lib';
use Data::Dumper;
use Try::Tiny;
use Thrift::API::HiveClient;
#use Moose;

my ($host, $port) = (localhost => 10000);

try sub {
  my $client = Thrift::API::HiveClient->new( host => $host, port => $port );
  print "Connected\n";
    q{ create table if not exists t_foo (foo STRING, bar STRING) }
  $client->execute('show tables');
  print Dumper $client->fetchAll;
  print Dumper $client->getClusterStatus;
  print Dumper $client->get_fields( 'default', 't_foo');
catch sub {
  print "ZOMG\n";
  print Dumper($_);
  exit 1;

I get the following output:

hduser@ubuntu:~/perl_script$ perl
$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'message' => 'Missing version identifier',
                 'code' => 0
               }, 'Thrift::TException' );

After enabling NOSASL authentication on my HiveServer2 by modifying the hive-site.xml, I am now getting a different error:

hduser@ubuntu:~/perl_script$ perl
$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'message' => 'Invalid method name: \'execute\'',
                 'code' => 1
               }, 'TApplicationException' );

It worked using Thrift::API::HiveClient2

hduser@ubuntu:~/perl_script$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib 'lib';
use Data::Dumper;
use Try::Tiny;
use Thrift::API::HiveClient2;
#use Moose;

my ($host, $port) = (localhost => 10000);

try sub {
  my $client = Thrift::API::HiveClient2->new( host => $host, port => $port );
  print "Connected\n";
    q{ create table if not exists t_foo (foo STRING, bar STRING) }
  $client->execute('show tables');
  print Dumper $client->fetch;
# print Dumper $client->getClusterStatus;
# print Dumper $client->get_fields( 'default', 't_foo');
catch sub {
  print "ZOMG\n";
  print Dumper($_);
  exit 1;

hduser@ubuntu:~/perl_script$ perl
$VAR1 = [
$VAR2 = '';


  • Since you are using HiveServer2, try using Thrift::API::HiveClient2. If that doesn't work, you could put some debug prints into the client to see if there is anything going on vis-a-vis the network, e.g. timeouts.