Say you have this code in a module called Module1
Option Explicit
Private Type TSomething
Foo As Integer
Bar As Integer
End Type
Public Something As TSomething
In equivalent C# code if you made the Something
field public
, the code would no longer compile, because of inconsistent accessibility - the type of the field being less accessible than the field itself. Which makes sense.
However in VBA you could have this code in Module2
Sub DoSomething()
Module1.Something.Bar = 42
Debug.Print Module1.Something.Bar
End Sub
And you get IntelliSense while typing it, and it compiles, and it runs, and it outputs 42
Why? How does it even work, from a COM standpoint? Is it part of the language specs?
As per my comment, VBA exposes a private Type, just like it exposes a Private Enum.
VBA assumes you can make use of the TypeInfo in the consuming context, but it won't allow you to declare or create instances of those types or enums.
This C++ answer is partly informative:
Access Control is applied to names
The access specifier for the name has nothing to do with it's type
But it's perhaps useful to think of a Private Type in a standard module, as something like a "PublicNotCreatable" class. If you provide a public wrapper, then the type is accessible outside the host module.
But VBA handles things differently when the Type is in a Public Class Module!
Here's your Module1
Option Explicit
Private Type TSomething
Foo As Integer
Bar As Integer
End Type
Public Type TOtherThing
Foo As Integer
Bar As Integer
End Type
Public Type TWrapperThing
Something As TSomething
End Type
Public Something As TSomething
Public Otherthing As TOtherThing
Public Wrapperthing As TWrapperThing
Public Function GetSomething() As TSomething
GetSomething.Foo = 1
End Function
Public Function GetOtherthing() As TOtherThing
GetOtherthing.Foo = 1
End Function
And Module2
Option Explicit
Sub DoThings()
'Compile Error: User-defined type not defined
'Dim oSomething As TSomething
Dim vSomething As Variant
Dim oOtherthing As Module1.TOtherThing
Dim vOtherthing As Variant
Dim oWrapperthing As Module1.TWrapperThing
Module1.Something.Foo = 42
Module1.Otherthing.Foo = 42
Module1.Wrapperthing.Something.Foo = 42
'Compile Error: Only user-defined types defined in public object modules can be coerced to or from a variant or passed to late-bound functions
'vSomething = Module1.Something
'vOtherthing = Module1.Otherthing
oOtherthing = Module1.Otherthing
oOtherthing.Foo = 43
'Is 43 > 42?
Debug.Assert oOtherthing.Foo > Module1.Otherthing.Foo
'Compile Errors: "GetSomething" User-defined type not defined
'Module1.GetSomething.Foo = 42
'Module1.GetSomething().Foo = 42
Module1.GetOtherthing.Foo = 42
Module1.GetOtherthing().Foo = 42
End Sub