I'm trying to use Gorilla mux router to handle paths that respond to a limited list of strings in the URL. The service I am developing will take files from the caller and pass them through an "adapter" that send them to S3 or OneDrive, depending on the "adapter" specified in the URL. I also require a variable named "schema", which I only mention now because of the weirdness that follows. My test is as follows ({schema} will be set to "test"):
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
mux.Vars(r)["adapter"], mux.Vars(r)["schema"])))
I would expect that going to /s3/test/check
would yield {"a":"s3","s":"test"}
just as going to /onedrive/test/check
should yield {"a":"onedrive","s":"test"}
... however in these cases I am getting {"a":"s3","s":"s3"}
and {"a":"onedrive","s":"onedrive"}
The (s3|onedrive)
check seems to be enforced because, for example, trying to go to /dropbox/test/check
correctly yields a 404.
Why is the {schema}
variable getting the value of the {adapter}
variable and how can I fix this?
I think it's because of parenthesis which denote capturing group and yield submatch. It can interfere with gorilla matcher. Just try without parenthesis.