I have a .csv file which consists of 10 columns. The first 9 are related to the properties of a particular item, while the 10th column has the "Class" which states which item it is.
I am trying to run the following classifiers -
I am having some trouble trying to proceed. I am supposed to divide my data such that - First half is to be trained and test the results using the second half of the data.
I begin with going to the "Explorer" and opening the .csv file. I select all the attributes, including "CLASS' and then go to the classify tab.
From there, I select the "Percentage Split" as 50% and simply "Start" the different classifiers (as mentioned before).
So these are the questions -
Can anyone help me with this?
Someone asked a similar question here How to build a good training data set for machine learning and predictions? They look like different questions but involve the same considerations.