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Unable to get refresh token with google OAuth 2


I have simple android app where user gets data from Google Fusion Tables with REST api. For this I was using OAuth 2 authorization to get Access Token and Refresh Token. I have web view in my app which will show login screen as well as consent screen. I was planning to get access token from web view and use it for further API calls. I am using retrofit to execute my http calls. I use following query parameters,

"client_id" = CLIENTID
"client_secret" = SECRET
"code" = 4/XXXXXXXXXX  //Code got from redirect url
"grant_type" = "authorization_code"  
"access_type" = "offline"
"approval_prompt" = "force"
"redirect_uri" = REDIRECT_URL

So far so good. But when I exceute post request with above query parameters, I get following response,

  "access_token": "ya29.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3599,
  "id_token": "XXXXXXXXXX"


Where is refresh token? I need refresh token because I couldn't do API call through app later on with access token and I don't want user to get access token every time.

What I have tried

I have already followed instructions from this post and have tried revoking permission to application from settings. I have also tried using different google accounts in case there was some permission issue, but still no luck. I have also tried removing query parameter "approval_prompt" and "grant_type" but that also didn't help.


  • I got answer after searching and banging head for 5-6 hours. This answer saved me! Answer to people looking for this in future,

    Add "access_type" = "offline" query while requesting for access token rather than exchanging, i.e. in URL which asks for consent.