What is the best way to go from
Map[String, Future[A]]
Map[String, A]
where A is the result of the corresponding future's execution?
This won't compile:
val results = for {
(key, future) <- myMap
result <- future
} yield (key, result)
as I can't mix futures and iterables in the same for comprehension.
If you convert it into a Seq[Future[(String,A)]]
, you can then use Future.fold
to get it back a single Future[Map[...]]
def transform[A](m: Map[String, Future[A]]): Future[Map[String, A]] = {
val seq: Seq[Future[(String, A)]] = m.toSeq.map { case (key, f) =>
f.map(i => key -> i)
Future.fold(seq)(Map.empty[String, A])(_ + _)
Then redeem the single future as normal.