My shell script:
if [ $# -lt 2 ]
echo "$0 : Not enough argument supplied. 2 Arguments needed."
echo "Argument 1: -d for debug (lists files it will remove) or -e for execution."
echo "Followed by some path to remove files from. (path of where to look) "
exit 1
if test $1 == '-d'
find $2 -mmin +60 -type f -exec ls -l {} \;
elif test $1 == '-e'
find $2 -mmin +60 -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;
Basically this will find files in a given directory provided as second argument and either list (-d for argument 1) or remove (-e for argument 1) files modified >60 minutes ago.
How can I rework this to also remove folders ?
-type f
ls -l
to ls -ld
Change 1 will list everything and not just files. This includes links as well. If you are not fine with listing/deleting anything other than files and directories then you need to separately list/delete files and directories as:
if test $1 == '-d'
find $2 -mmin +60 -type f -exec ls -ld {} \;
find $2 -mmin +60 -type d -exec ls -ld {} \;
elif test $1 == '-e'
find $2 -mmin +60 -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;
find $2 -mmin +60 -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
Change 2 is needed as ls -l
on a directory will list the files in the directories.