I was told about the Venn.js script on GitHub, which uses javascript to create Venn diagrams on an html page.
I have a basic script working, but I would like to add a sublabel in each set and intersection that shows its size
function LoadVenn() {
// size values are variables filled by an $.ajax() function.
// this is called in the $.ajax() success block.
var sets = [
{ sets: ['Less than Quarter'], size: ltq },
{ sets: ['Quarter'], size: qtr },
{ sets: ['Semester'], size: sem },
{ sets: ['Year'], size: year },
{ sets: ['Less than Quarter', 'Quarter'], size: ltqQtr },
{ sets: ['Less than Quarter', 'Semester'], size: ltqSem },
{ sets: ['Less than Quarter', 'Year'], size: ltqYear }
// the chart is accurately created.
var chart = venn.VennDiagram();
// fill colors are good.
d3.selectAll("#venn .venn-circle path").style("fill-opacity", 0.8);
d3.selectAll("#venn text").style("fill", "white");
// need to make label text larger
// need to add sublabel showing set size
I did find a sublabel example here, but it was for an endlessly cycling animation chart (which I didn't want).
How can I add a sublabel to a static and non-animated chart?
Based on the animated sublabels example and a sample code from here:
var sets = [
{sets:["Information"], size: 12},
{sets:["Overlap"], size: 12},
{sets:["Circles"], size: 12},
{sets: ["Information", "Overlap"], size: 4, label: "Redundancy"}
var chart = venn.VennDiagram()
function annotateSizes() {
.text(function(d) { return "size " + d.size; })
.attr("x", function() { return d3.select(this.parentNode).attr("x"); })
.attr("dy", "1.5em")
.style("fill", "#666")
.style("font-size", "10px");
function updateVenn(sets) {
var div = d3.select("#venn").datum(sets);
var layout = chart(div),
textCentres = layout.textCentres;
div.selectAll(".label").style("fill", "white");
div.selectAll(".venn-circle path").style("fill-opacity", .6);
div.selectAll("g").transition("venn").each("end", annotateSizes).duration(0);
return layout;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.5/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://rawgit.com/benfred/venn.js/master/venn.js"></script>
<div id="venn"></div>