I have an edge which is vertical and I want to rotate the edge-label accordingly.
For example replace the "helloworld.java" drawing part with:
Object v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, "1", "TopLeft",
20, 20, 80, 80);
Object v3 = graph.insertVertex(parent, "2", "BottomLeft",
20, 240, 80, 80);
Object e1 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, "edgelabel",
v1, v3, "dashed=true;endArrow=none;rotation=0");
Setting rotation=90
rotates the edge but not the label.
I found mxCurveLabelShape
, but I do not understand how to use it. I tried somewhat, but the edge-mxCell does not contain a mxCurve. I tried:
List<mxPoint> pl = ((mxCell)e1).getGeometry().getPoints();
mxCellState ecs1 = new mxCellState(graph.getView(),e1,null);
mxCurveLabelShape cls = new mxCurveLabelShape(ecs1,(mxCurve)pl);
which obviously cannot work since the edge mxCell also does not contain non-empty mxPoints. Could I use the locations where the edge connects to its ends?
Is there a way to address only the label and use rotation
for that?
Any ideas?
OK, I have figured it out, it's not pretty and it does not (yet) work for orthogonal edges, i.e., edges that consist of horizontal and vertical segments.
The way I can make it work is by overwriting one and introducing one function for mxGraphComponent
. Namely, the drawLabel
function now checks whether the label comes from an edge and if so it selects a different createTemporaryGraphics
function. In the latter the box of the edge as well as the label is known and the rotation is computed given the edge-box. There is a boolean passed along (quadrant
) which tells if the edge is between NorthEast and SouthWest of the rectangle (quadrant = true
), or between NorthWest and SouthEast (quadrant = false
). This is currently not optimal in the sense of location (i.e., vertical labels might end on top of the edge). But I leave the tweaking for whoever wants to use this ;)
Here we go: (place this wherever you initiate the graphComponent
mxGraphComponent graphComponent = new mxGraphComponent(graph){
public mxInteractiveCanvas createCanvas()
return new mxInteractiveCanvas(){
public Object drawLabel(String text, mxCellState state, boolean html)
Map<String, Object> style = state.getStyle();
mxIShape shapeL = getShape(style);
mxITextShape shape = getTextShape(style, html);
if (g != null && shape != null && drawLabels && text != null
&& text.length() > 0)
// Creates a temporary graphics instance for drawing this shape
float opacity = mxUtils.getFloat(style,
mxConstants.STYLE_TEXT_OPACITY, 100);
Graphics2D previousGraphics = g;
if(((mxCell) state.getCell()).isVertex()){
g = createTemporaryGraphics(style, opacity, null);
//quadrant will be true if the edge is NE or SW
Object target = ((mxCell) state.getCell()).getTarget();
Object source = ((mxCell) state.getCell()).getSource();
boolean quadrant = false;
quadrant = true;
quadrant = true;
g = createTemporaryGraphics(style, opacity, state, state.getLabelBounds(),quadrant);
// Draws the label background and border
Color bg = mxUtils.getColor(style,
Color border = mxUtils.getColor(style,
paintRectangle(state.getLabelBounds().getRectangle(), bg, border);
// Paints the label and restores the graphics object
shape.paintShape(this, text, state, style);
g = previousGraphics;
return shape;
public Graphics2D createTemporaryGraphics(Map<String, Object> style,
float opacity, mxRectangle bounds, mxRectangle labelbounds, boolean quad)
Graphics2D temporaryGraphics = (Graphics2D) g.create();
// Applies the default translate
temporaryGraphics.translate(translate.x, translate.y);
// setup the rotation for the label
double angle = java.lang.Math.atan(bounds.getHeight()/bounds.getWidth());
double rotation = Math.toDegrees(angle);
rotation = - rotation;
//get the translation needed
double diff = labelbounds.getHeight()*(1-Math.cos(angle));
double plusy = diff * Math.sin(angle);
double plusx = diff * Math.cos(angle);
// Applies the rotation and translation on the graphics object
if (bounds != null)
if (rotation != 0)
labelbounds.getCenterX(), labelbounds.getCenterY());
- plusx, plusy);
// Applies the opacity to the graphics object
if (opacity != 100)
AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, opacity / 100));
return temporaryGraphics;