I have a 'product" vertex that has several relations/edges to 'user' vertices (several possible roles) These roles/edges have state (like so: NON, IN_PROGRESS, DONE). Where best to save these states in the Titan Graph setup? In edge properties? The states are temporary during a sequence of transactions, but they need to be persisted to backend store if user interrupts sequence of transactions or disconnects by network failure or so. (clients that make request come from lossy mobile connections)
So I have my own "states" for my vertices and edges, that have meaning as events and for my log, and I am looking for a best way to save (temporarily) and store (persistently) those states? Anybody that can advise me on the issue (working with a titan graph-dynamoDB setup, now locally, meant to be remote/cloud)? Much appreciated!
Since these states are related to the roles/edges, then they should go into the edge as an edge property. Edge properties can change and you should update these states as they change from non to done.