I have some custom post type "video" and I added some custom ACF fields to it ("video_path", "author_name" and "audio_author"). I'm generating posts in that type programmatically like this:
$video_post_params = array(
'post_title' => wp_strip_all_tags($video_title),
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_author' => 1,
'post_type' => 'video'
$video_id = wp_insert_post( $video_post_params );
update_field('video_path', $video_path, $video_id);
update_field('author_name', $video_author, $video_id);
update_field('audio_author', $audio_author, $video_id);
All values are inserted well - when I open the post in back-end everything is fine. However, when I try to use those values, I don't get anything?!?
I'm reading values from template files like this:
get_field('video_path', $video_id)
And if I open the post and just save it without any change everything starts working normally and I'm getting post ACF fields normally after that. Posts created manually, from back-end are working well all the time.
What I'm doing wrong? Do I need some extra step when generating posts from code?
The issue is reported here: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/programmatic-post-insertion-acf-fields-and-the-save_post-hook/
But that solution is obviously not working for me - my update_field()
functions already are immediately after wp_insert_post()
Found it!
When inserting ACF field value field key must be used. If key name is used instead, as I did, everything is inserted well at first look, but value isn't available until post is saved manually. So it's like:
update_field('field_56e683ab6265f', $video_path, $video_id);
update_field('field_56e68415b5c4b', $video_author, $video_id);
update_field('field_56e6842d58740', $audio_author, $video_id);
What a mess....