I have an existing project that was not developped for more than a half a year. Now i need to support it. I have updated Titanium SDK and all other libraries used in the project. But right after the launch of the application on the device i have runtime error. The screenshot of the error:
I'm surprised because this was the stable version of the app ready for production. So only after updating libraries this error occurs. Here's some parts of the code:
This is the 'index' view:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Widget id="drawer" src="nl.fokkezb.drawer">
<Window module="xp.ui" role="leftWindow" >
<NavigationWindow platform="ios" role="centerWindow">
<Require type="view" src="Home"/>
<Window module="xp.ui" platform="android" role="centerWindow" home="Home">
<Require type="view" src="Home"/>
and HOME.xml
<Window id="winHome" platform="ios" class="container whiteBackground no-navbar" navBarHidden="true" layout="vertical" opacity="1">
<Require type="view" src="homeContent"></Require>
<Window id="winHome" platform="android" class="container whiteBackground no-navbar" navBarHidden="true" layout="vertical" opacity="1">
<Require type="view" src="homeContent"></Require>
and homeContent:
<View id="winHomeContent" class="container whiteBackground" layout="composite" visible = "false">
<View class="ver">
<View bottom="0" class="h-size">
<Require type="view" src="homeFooter"/>
I see that both 'index' and Home views have "Window" tags. But this exact code was working earlier.
In index.xml
from Doc nl.fokkezb.drawer
role is a View
not an Window
<Widget id="drawer" src="nl.fokkezb.drawer">
<Window module="xp.ui" role="leftWindow">
<Label>I am left</Label>
<NavigationWindow platform="ios" role="centerWindow">
<Button onClick="toggle">Left</Button>
<Label>I am center</Label>
<Button onClick="toggle">Right</Button>
<View platform="android" role="centerWindow">
<Label>I am center</Label>
<Window module="xp.ui" role="rightWindow">
<Label>I am right</Label>