I have to retrieve some data (Oracle RDBMS). I have to filter them, to grup them. So i thought about doing three nested query.
Starting from the outside in: a query to restrict a query to sort them and a query for selection (which also filter and groups them).
This is the query:
@SqlQuery("select count(*) personCount, SURNAME surname, SKILL skill, ROWNUM " +
" from (select * " +
" from (select count(*) personCount, SURNAME surname, SKILL skill from people " +
" where ....my filters....
" group by SURNAME, SKILL ) " +
" order by personCount DESC ) " +
" where ROWNUM \\<= :limit ")
But it gives me this error: ORA-00937: it is not a group function on only one grouping
You have to specify all the columns you select in the group by
clause :
@SqlQuery("select personCount, SURNAME surname, SKILL skill, ROWNUM " +
" from (select * " +
" from (select count(*) personCount, SURNAME surname, SKILL skill from people " +
" where ....my filters.... " +
" group by SURNAME, SKILL ) " +
" order by personCount DESC ) " +
" where ROWNUM \\<= :limit ")
Also, you already calculated the count of personCount, you don't need to count it again.
Note that I replaced the knowledge column with the skill column in the group by, I assumed it was a typo.