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How to use If Else in SSRS expression

I am trying to evaluate a text box value using SSSRS expression.

Currently I am doing something like following:

=IIF(Fields!VariableValue.Value =1,"Pass",IIF(Fields!VariableValue.Value = 2,"Fail",IIF(Fields!VariableValue.Value = 3,"Abort",IIF(Fields!VariableValue.Value = 4,"ByPass",IIF(Fields!VariableValue.Value ="#Error","NA",Fields!VariableValue.Value)))))

Is there a better way of doing this?


  • It's not perfect, but you can use SWITCH to make it a bit easier to read:

        Fields!VariableValue.Value = 1, "Pass",
        Fields!VariableValue.Value = 2, "Fail",
        Fields!VariableValue.Value = 3, "Abort",
        Fields!VariableValue.Value = 4, "ByPass",
        Fields!VariableValue.Value = "#Error", "NA"
        true, Fields!VariableValue.Value

    Looking at your example, I'm not 100% sure the original or the new expression will even work (is VariableValue a number or text?) but hopefully this is better way for you.