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basic R question on manipulating dataframes

I have a data frame with several columns. rows have names.

I want to calculate some value for each row (col1/col2) and create a new data frame with the original row names. If I just do something like data$col1/data$col2 I get a vector with the results but lose the row names.

i know it's very basic but I'm quite new to R.


  • It would help to read ?"[.data.frame" to understand what's going on. Specifically:

    Note that there is no ‘data.frame’ method for ‘$’, so ‘x$name’ uses the default method which treats ‘x’ as a list.

    You will see that the object's names are lost if you convert a data.frame to a list (using Joris' example data):

    > as.list(Data)
     [1] -0.2179939 -2.6050843  1.6980104 -0.9712305  1.6953474  0.4422874
     [7] -0.5012775  0.2073210  1.0453705 -0.2883248
     [1] -1.3623349  0.4535634  0.3502413 -0.1521901 -0.1032828 -0.9296857
     [7]  1.4608866  1.1377755  0.2424622 -0.7814709

    My suggestion would be to avoid using $ if you want to keep row names. Use this instead:

    > Data["col1"]/Data["col2"]
    a   0.1600149
    b  -5.7435947
    c   4.8481157
    d   6.3816918
    e -16.4146120
    f  -0.4757387
    g  -0.3431324
    h   0.1822161
    i   4.3114785
    j   0.3689514