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GCDAsyncSocket startTLS does not work

I am able to connect to the desired socket with IP and port.

- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sender didConnectToHost:(NSString *)host port:(UInt16)port {

    [sender startTLS:nil];

    if(self.createTCPSocketHelperDelegate && @selector(returnConnectedTCPSocket:forNASWithMacAddress:))
        [self.createTCPSocketHelperDelegate returnConnectedTCPSocket:sender forNASWithMacAddress:_macAddress];

I am sending TLS settings dictionary nil for as it uses default settings. It gives me the error as follows

Error Domain=kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL Code=-9806 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL error -9806.)" UserInfo=0x17d92420 {NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Error code definition can be found in Apple's SecureTransport.h}

I couldn't get what's wrong going on there. Please help me to provide some sample code which connect to SSL server and use TCP/TLS protocol.

Help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. :)


  • I got the issue. Basically I couldn't complete SSL handshake, I found the way as follows:

    Initialize GCDAsyncSocket socket and connect to IP and Port as follows,

    NSError *error;
    _gcdAsyncTCPSocket  = [[GCDAsyncSocket alloc] initWithDelegate:self
    _gcdAsyncTCPSocket.delegate = self;
    _ipAddress = ipAddress;
    _tcpPortNumber = portNumber;
    if(![_gcdAsyncTCPSocket connectToHost:ipAddress onPort:portNumber withTimeout:30 error:&error])
        if(self.createTCPSocketHelperDelegate && @selector(failedToCreateTCPSocket))
            [self.createTCPSocketHelperDelegate failedToCreateTCPSocket];
    }else {
        NSMutableDictionary *settings = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
        [settings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
        [_gcdAsyncTCPSocket startTLS:settings];

    When you set GCDAsyncSocketManuallyEvaluateTrust it gives a call to delegate method

    - (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReceiveTrust:(SecTrustRef)trust completionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL shouldTrustPeer))completionHandler

    In which I have evaluate the server's self signed certificate with the local certificate. If its equal then completionHandler(YES) otherwise completionHandler(NO) as follows:

    - (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReceiveTrust:(SecTrustRef)trust completionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL shouldTrustPeer))completionHandler {
    //server certificate
    SecCertificateRef serverCertificate = SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(trust, 0);
    CFDataRef serverCertificateData = SecCertificateCopyData(serverCertificate);
    const UInt8* const serverData = CFDataGetBytePtr(serverCertificateData);
    const CFIndex serverDataSize = CFDataGetLength(serverCertificateData);
    NSData* cert1 = [NSData dataWithBytes:serverData length:(NSUInteger)serverDataSize];
    //local certificate
    NSString *localCertFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"LocalCertificate" ofType:@"cer"];
    NSData *localCertData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:localCertFilePath];
    CFDataRef myCertData = (__bridge CFDataRef)localCertData;
    const UInt8* const localData = CFDataGetBytePtr(myCertData);
    const CFIndex localDataSize = CFDataGetLength(myCertData);
    NSData* cert2 = [NSData dataWithBytes:localData length:(NSUInteger)localDataSize];
    if (cert1 == nil || cert2 == nil) {
        NSLog(@"Certificate NULL");
    const BOOL equal = [cert1 isEqualToData:cert2];
    if (equal) {
        NSLog(@"Certificate match");
        NSLog(@"Certificate not match");

    If certificates matches completionHandler(YES) it will call delegate

    - (void)socketDidSecure:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock {
    _uploadSocket = sock;
    //Do your stuff after this

    Hope it will help someone to deal with SSL and GCDAsyncSocket. Happy coding!!