I'm trying to convert a mongo collection to an R data frame. I'm using rmongodb package to do the same. I'm facing a problem with fields with the datatype "ObjectId" (in the code below, the column "_id"), rmongodb does not seem to recognize them as valid fields and thus excluding them from the OP dataframe. Is there a way to bulk convert ObjectId fields to string or extract their values?
query <- list(
"$project" : {
"_id" :0,
"app_id" : "$_id",
"column_1" : "$mongo_column_1",
I've already tried the functions:
But I think I'm making some syntactical errors and can't seem to find the right syntax to work in this situation.
P.S. I'm parsing the entire collection and not individual records.
I had the same problem this morning. Try using the mongo.oid.to.string function.
l = mongo.bson.to.list(mongo.cursor.value(cursor))
k <- mongo.oid.to.string(l[["_id"]])